Insufficient retention force of the spindle clamping mechanism could lead to reduced rigidity and vibrations, loss of machining quality, poor surface finish and shortened tool life. To help solve this problem, we have developed Dyna Force, a device for measuring the retention force of machine tool spindles.
From all of us at BIG KAISER, we wish you a happy and safe holiday season. Every year around this time, we’re reminded that it’s thanks to people like you that BIG KAISER continues to lead and grow. Thank you for your business and your support throughout 2018.
Dialing in a finishing job can be meticulous, with several measurements, adjustments and discussions taking place. That not only costs time, but those tool touches and interactions introduce some risk inside a shop. Our next boring innovation will help eliminate many of those repeated interactions and extra adjustments.
There’s a lot to consider when deciding how to tool up a new machine. Committing to a thorough tooling selection upfront is vital. Think about your tooling and machine tool as a symbiotic partnership: what affects one affects the other.
Maintenance is really important and kind of a pain. When it comes to all-important spindle maintenance, you can avoid the pain by using simple tools and devices.
Valuable information on a new standard for balancing tools and tool systems that apply to today’s relevant variables for safe and productive machining.
We will certainly miss seeing all of you at IMTS, but we have a new place to connect—IMTS Spark. The digital platform will house the latest manufacturing advancements, sessions with industry experts, educational sessions and networking opportunities.
One of the most difficult parts of this year has been the lack of in-person interaction. Fortunately, IMTS Spark provides a platform to connect and share knowledge with industry peers.
Jack Burley, president and COO of BIG KAISER, shares some of his observations over the years, predictions for the industry and his vision for the company.
It has been a busy spring at our Hoffman Estates facility. On March 20, we hosted 28 students from New Trier High School as a part of Oakton Community College’s 6thannual Manufacturing Expo 2014.