BIG KAISER recently joined Okuma America Corporation’s Partners in THINC network, a collaborative network of 40+ companies that service the metalcutting and manufacturing industries.
We will certainly miss seeing all of you at IMTS, but we have a new place to connect—IMTS Spark. The digital platform will house the latest manufacturing advancements, sessions with industry experts, educational sessions and networking opportunities.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. is celebrating its 30th anniversary. On August 1, 1990, KPT Kaiser opened its doors and began its mission to make Kaiser CKB modular boring tools, developed in Switzerland, the leader in the North American market.
Matt Tegelman, applications engineer and product manager, who has been with BIG KAISER since the last millennium, recalls his first overseas trip for the company.
BIG KAISER's Business Intelligence Manager Dave Stonesifer appreciates the opportunities he's been given to fill the needs of the business while taking advantage of his own interests and expertise.
Looking back, Peter Hopper considers himself fortunate to have represented BIG KAISER in some way for the past 30 years, even before KPT Kaiser was founded in 1990.