Is there an add on to convert my HCN 6800-ii to the Big Plus spindle?
You May Have a BIG-PLUS Spindle and Not Even Know It
Many shops are unaware that a lot of their spindles are BIG-PLUS, so they don’t realize the capabilities they possess.
In his latest article for Fabricating & Metalworking, Jack Burley, our VP of sales and engineering, had a conversation with Chris Vigneault, onsite grinding manager at SPS Spindle Parts and Service, LLC. Vigneault explained that most of his onsite visits, BIG-PLUS or not, are the result of a crash or poor drawbar retention that allows a tool to loosen in the spindle.
That isn’t usually surprising news, however, Vigneault explained that the testing and examination process often does reveal something else that is surprising for customers. “One of the things that most customers are unaware of is that a lot of their spindles are BIG-PLUS and they simply don’t know it,” he said. “Not all, but a lot of customers lately are looking for that ability and just don’t know that they already have it.”
To identify BIG-PLUS spindles on your floor and start taking advantage of their capabilities, read the full article here.
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Mar, 08/03/2022 - 11:40Hi Joe,
BIG-PLUS is optional on your machine, but it would require a new physical spindle cartridge from Mazak. It's possible, but likely expensive.
Joe Atallian
Mar, 08/03/2022 - 10:39