What’s a good sign that a company is doing well and that they are constantly seeking better ways to serve their customers? The need to construct new facilities, of course.
Matt Tegelman, applications engineer and product manager, who has been with BIG KAISER since the last millennium, recalls his first overseas trip for the company.
One of the most impactful tools in the BIG KAISER suite of products is often overlooked. It’s durable and has all the best features for those looking to save time making hard-to-reach cuts. We’re talking about our AGU30 Universal Type Angle Heads.
Whether you’re in the office or working from home, you can access all of BIG KAISER’s catalogs online. Not only is the online version convenient, it is the most up-to-date resource for information and new products.
Accurate offsets and workpiece reference points are critical to effective setups and first-part accuracy. Taking a manual approach or attempting to verify these in the machine without the right measuring devices can be a delicate and time-consuming process.
Usually recognized as a supplier to the metalworking industry, BIG KAISER is of course also a manufacturing company, facing similar challenges and opportunities as the customers we serve.
Over the last couple of decades, digitization has increasingly crept into our lives. In the metalworking world it’s undeniable. Digital boring heads have emerged as indispensable time-saving and quality-ensuring tools in machine shops.
Just as your car’s health depends on regular oil changes and tune-ups, your shop tools and equipment require preventive maintenance to stay in good working order and to maximize life cycle.
Speroni and BIG Kaiser are proud to announce that the Speroni STP FUTURA line of tool presetters has won the prestigious 2014 Red Dot International Award for Design Quality.