Did you know Sphinx offers 3 unique drill/reamer geometries capable of drilling from a solid while achieving H7-H9 hole tolerance with exceptionally good surface finish?
There’s more than one way to finish a hole. The most effective option will depend on the number of parts, acceptable cycle time and tolerance callouts.
Even among experienced machinists, choosing the right insert for boring a hole remains a difficult process that is fraught with myth and misconception. However, it is no myth that insert selection can completely save or kill performance on an application.
The concept of using guide pins to load large fixtures has been around for a long time, and it even applies when incorporating Unilock zero-point clamping systems in your fixturing.
Cleanliness is key to achieving good runout control when assembling tool holders. Small particles or oil in a tool holder can cause large runout of the cutting tool, deceasing tool life and performance.