The Tool Pro is a unique tool holding fixture developed by BIG KAISER for the assembly and disassembly of your tooling systems. The adapter of the Tool Pro can rotate 360º and lock in 45º increments.
NASCAR teams are very meticulous in what they do – always on the lookout for ways to be more productive in their machining processes to improve their cars.
Jack Burley, VP of Sales and Engineering at BIG KAISER shared his knowledge to Fabricating & Metalworking magazine for options targeted to make positive impacts on vibration without breaking the bank.
You’ve heard the saying a million times, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In metalworking, the chain is a complex one, made up varying components from tiny cutting inserts to the spindle housing.
The further the tool does its work from the spindle, the more room for error. Deep pockets and cavities usually signify that a part is nearing completion, making the smallest of errors almost impossible to recover from and very costly.
BIG Daishowa Seiki Co. Ltd., our parent company, recently granted another BIG-PLUS® license, making spindle rebuilding and maintenance service more accessible than ever.