BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Ltd has determined to strengthen its partnership with its long-term partner, BIG Daishowa Seiki Co Ltd of Japan, and agreed to become a company of the BIG Daishowa group as of April 15, 2015.
As part of a continued effort to fully serve users throughout the long lifetimes of their BIG Kaiser products, we’ve made it faster, easier and more cost effective to have some popular products repaired and properly maintained.
Pullout is a major issue facing manufacturers using milling chucks, especially when machining heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA) like titanium or inconel
BIG Kaiser now offers BIG Daishowa’s high precision Mega ER Grip with the KAISER modular KAB connection, allowing custom collet chuck configurations with standard components.
If precision in manufacturing is a matter of optimizing a process to get the best possible results, then we can only truly be precise when we have ample choice in tools.