Noticias de BIG DAISHOWA

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BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. is celebrating its 30th anniversary. On August 1, 1990, KPT Kaiser opened its doors and began its mission to make Kaiser CKB modular boring tools, developed in Switzerland, the leader in the North American market.
This simple switch makes life much easier because it introduces more standardization to the shop floor, reduces the burden on operators, increases setup speed and dramatically reduces the chances of human error. All of which saves time and realizes return on investment – and each additional machine helps increase the rate of return.
Just in time (JIT) manufacturing, by nature, increases setups and shrinks batch sizes. This puts shops in a bind, because more setups and smaller batches are typically less profitable; but saying "no" to work can be even more painful. The burden to search out creative ways to reduce cycle and setup time in order to realize a profit falls to the shops that commonly perform JIT work and on the shops that can’t afford to turn it down when the opportunity arises.