Boosting speeds and reducing machining times: BIG KAISER’s new spindle speeder

In reaching impressive variable rotational speeds that exceed 100,000 RPMs, BIG KAISER’s newest air-driven spindle brings a trial-approved promise to reduce machining time by more than 300 percent in certain setups.

Introducing BIG KAISER’s fastest spindle speeder, ever: the RBX12 Air Power Spindle.

We’re pushing the precision tooling frontier forward again; the RBX12 Air Power Spindle improves machining performance and reduces error without imposing high costs. The air-driven spindle produced by BIG Daishowa is designed to retrofit a wide variety of machining centers, eliminating the need to purchase a separate high-speed machine and allowing legacy machinery to perform high-speed micro-machining.

Powered by air pressure, the RBX12 bypasses having to rotate the machining center spindle, eliminating wear and in-process thermal disruption. Its high speeds, varying from 100,000 to 120,000 RPM by controlled air pressure, lend to incredible enhancements in accuracy, surface finish quality and tool life. The accuracy improvements enable ultra-thin wall cutting with a guaranteed 1-micron runout at the collet nose and .004-inch collapsibility in the AA-grade Mega Micro Collet.

So, how does it work?

  • Compared to gear-driven speeders, air-powered speeders do not rotate.
  • In addition to increased speed and improved accuracy, the system expends considerably less power because the spindle’s center does not rotate.
  • The spindle’s ceramic ball bearings and ultra-precise collet system facilitate ultra-thin cutting.

Not only does it save power, but the RBX12 is designed to run for more than 2,000 hours without needing service.

BIG KAISER’S RBX12 Air Power Spindle, available for BCV40, BBT30/40 & HSK-A63/F63/E32 interfaces, allows for automatic tool change to increase cost savings. Any models that do not require a stop block can take advantage of an extremely small body diameter of Ø32mm (Ø1.260”).

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