Tool holders play a critical role in connecting elements maximizing machining performance, however, several different styles are available and the most suitable one will depend on the operation.
In a time when finding new revenue is critical, making capital equipment more versatile can help business. There are few opportunities to affordably expand your shop’s capabilities than to start micromachining with the help of the right tools and accessories.
BIG KAISER's HSK-A125 tooling system, for machines such as Makino's T2 and T4 models, is the ideal solution for the aerospace industry – capable of tackling large-scale titanium and other workpieces on massive tables.
In order to take full advantage of a machine tool's capabilities, you must have the tooling to unlock a machine’s full capability. Here is some advice for making the most of a new machine tool with the right tooling.
Many machine shops lack objective criteria for making toolholder purchasing decisions & most are made by price alone. However they can improve runout significantly by using the right toolholders.
A lot of conflicting information has circulated about balancing tools over the years. Let's clear some things up and make life a little easier for you.
BIG KAISER introduces the Mega Perfect Grip from BIG Daishowa, a simple to handle, heavy-duty milling chuck for heat resistant super alloys (HRSA) that eliminates end mill pullout under heavy torque loads.