Just as your car’s health depends on regular oil changes and tune-ups, your shop tools and equipment require preventive maintenance to stay in good working order and to maximize life cycle.
As cutting tool manufacturers increase the recommended operating conditions for their products, users achieve the desired result: shorter cycle times on existing machine tools.
Earlier this month, we hosted nearly 80 students from two local high schools for Manufacturing Day. Held on the first Friday in October, Manufacturing Day allows students to see first-hand the reality of modern-day manufacturing careers.
If there’s anything we love as much as the sound of those engines, it’s the manufacturing technology and know-how that go into making high-performance, race-winning cars. Together with Team Penske, and just in time for the 2020 season start at Daytona, we are launching a series of short videos to talk machine shop.
We’ve built our name on tool holders, boring tools, cutting tools and specialized solutions for the everyday and most demanding machining operations. You may be surprised to learn we have deep expertise in lathe tooling as well. We have to. Lathes are critical to the development and production of our tools.
Smart Damper products are designed for deep-hole boring with BIG KAISER’s CKB modular boring system, and also for extended reach milling with both inch- and metric-pilot shell mills and face mills.
In this business, doing it right the first time is like money in the bank: less scrap, less wasted time, more on-time deliveries, the list goes on and on.