Pullout is a major issue facing manufacturers using milling chucks, especially when machining heat-resistant super alloys (HRSA) like titanium or inconel
Many machine shops lack objective criteria for making toolholder purchasing decisions & most are made by price alone. However they can improve runout significantly by using the right toolholders.
Opportunities abound for shops to cash in on the ever-growing micro machining market, but the differences between different types of micro tools vary from those found in standard tooling. Here are some insights into the extra care and know-how needed to achieve success and build a successful reputation as a reliable supplier of micro machined parts.
BIG DAISHOWA offers straight collets for clamping smaller diameter cylindrical tool shanks, providing coolant through the tool, or coolant around the periphery.
Every millimeter counts in metalworking. That’s why it’s important to think twice when selecting conventional tool holders like shell mill, end mill and shrink fit holders.
Our friends at BIG KAISER Switzerland recently shared a story out of their home country about a customer that’s revolutionized how they manage a robust inventory of 7,500 tooling components that’s applied in 14,500 different configurations.
Your accessories have gotten you this far, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking for better solutions. Every second of down time is wasted money.