Tool holders play a critical role in connecting elements maximizing machining performance, however, several different styles are available and the most suitable one will depend on the operation.
Aerospace is unique among industries in its thirst for component accuracy with ‘blemish-free’ precision. Unlike any other industry, anything that goes into the air has to be on spec, as the smallest imperfection in machining can adversely affect flight safety.
Tool management system (TMS) software & a tool presetter can accomplish both cutting cost and increases in productivity for a shop’s day-to-day activities.
There are three particularly sensitive areas of the tool holder assembly that can experience process-affecting wear and tear and cause a cycle to change.
Most machinists are familiar with the dilemma of having an otherwise capable, accurate machine on the shop floor that, unfortunately, is limited in terms of spindle RPM. When that inevitable job arises that requires higher RPM output, operators are left with the choice of replacing the machine altogether to gain higher productivity, or looking into an attachment, like a spindle speeder, to close the RPM gap.
While the latest machine tool technology may go a long way towards eliminating vibration and chatter, adding a new one may not be realistic. Luckily, there are less disruptive options that can make positive impacts on vibration without breaking the bank.
How in the world could all of this connectivity extend to the very smallest of metalworking equipment and tooling in a way that could possibly have a dramatic effect on shops?
In-machine laser technology is touted by machine tool builders and distributors as the way of the future and an indispensable tool for machinists. Do you really need an offline presetter if you have in-machine lasers?
Successful shops always look for ways to differentiate and innovate for competitive advantage. Cashing in on the entirety of a tool’s life with an advanced tool management system is perhaps the most effective way to do that right now.
By using digital technology and optimized indexable inserts, Schmauser Müller Metalltechnik has increased process reliability and efficiency in fine boring, as well as increased the lifetime of its tools by a factor of three.
New BIG KAISER Angle Heads combine vertical, horizontal and angular operations on one machine, improving runout accuracy and eliminating the potential for error created by multiple setups.
As cutting tool manufacturers increase the recommended operating conditions for their products, users achieve the desired result: shorter cycle times on existing machine tools.