A lot of conflicting information has circulated about balancing tools over the years. Let's clear some things up and make life a little easier for you.
To achieve efficient tool life, proper finish and productivity in high-speed work, tool holders need to be as rigid, compact and short as possible to keep the whole assembly stable. Here's what you need to know when choosing a high-speed tool holder.
BIG KAISER introduces the Mega Perfect Grip from BIG Daishowa, a simple to handle, heavy-duty milling chuck for heat resistant super alloys (HRSA) that eliminates end mill pullout under heavy torque loads.
CNC Tool holders are the interface between the machine spindle and the cutting tool. BIG DAISHOWA offers a wide variety of shanks common to the market.
There’s a lot to consider when deciding how to tool up a new machine. Committing to a thorough tooling selection upfront is vital. Think about your tooling and machine tool as a symbiotic partnership: what affects one affects the other.
Opportunities abound for shops to cash in on the ever-growing micro machining market, but the differences between different types of micro tools vary from those found in standard tooling. Here are some insights into the extra care and know-how needed to achieve success and build a successful reputation as a reliable supplier of micro machined parts.
Looking for a creative way to achieve the requested specifications for a potentially lucrative micromachining job without having to invest in a very expensive specialized machine tool? A spindle speeder may be your best – and only – way to secure the deal.
Just as your car’s health depends on regular oil changes and tune-ups, your shop tools and equipment require preventive maintenance to stay in good working order and to maximize life cycle.
You’ve heard the saying a million times, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In metalworking, the chain is a complex one, made up varying components from tiny cutting inserts to the spindle housing.