Whether you’re in the office or working from home, you can access all of BIG KAISER’s catalogs online. Not only is the online version convenient, it is the most up-to-date resource for information and new products.
BIG KAISER is BIG in supporting education. Nowadays, you hear so much in the manufacturing community that there are fewer students able to work in manufacturing as a result of lacking in skills.
Since day 1 with the very first boring tool produced in Switzerland, modularity has always been a requirement in nearly every tool produced by BIG KAISER.
With the addition of the Fullcut Radius Mill and the Ball End Mill, the Fullcut Mill Contact Grip series now features four connection sizes and seven cutter types.
John Saunders, a machinist and shop owner known for running the most popular YouTube channel on CNC machining, used his platform to speak about BIG KAISER’s Digital Boring Head, a tool that is known for machining thousands of holes with absolute precision.
BIG KAISER tool presetter partner, Speroni S.p.A., has announced a new partnership with a leader in the digital shift toward operational efficiency, MachiningCloud.
Choose best-in-class cutting tools, tool holders, tool presetters and workholding products from BIG KAISER and support the National Robotics League (NRL) at the same time. From Nov. 1 to Dec. 31, 2020, BIG KAISER will donate 2 percent of every order from an NTMA member company directly to the NRL program.
BIG KAISER, a leader in premium high-precision tooling systems and solutions, has announced the release of the Dyna Line Portable, a budget-friendly, in-machine measuring device suitable for a wide variety of shop environments.