20 Ways to Save Time in a Machine Shop

20 ways to save time in a machine shop without cutting corners.

There are few places where the old phrase “time is money” is more accurate than on the shop floor. When old methods or equipment are used or modified to work for a particular job, speeds and feeds are slowed, and sometimes costly, and unnecessary, secondary operations are implemented.

For example, on the workholding front, we find that it’s not typically until setup costs reach 20-25 percent of the total time cost to manufacture a part that customers inquire about a better solution. It’s an extreme example, but inefficient secondary operations can increase costs.

Here’s the good news: You don’t have to reorganize your shop, reinvent your processes or invest in expensive machinery to eliminate these hidden inefficiencies. In fact, there are simple strategies and relatively inexpensive equipment that can turn wasted time into money-making time. 

We asked our engineers and field team for some of the biggest time-saving tips or solutions they've seen. No matter the type of work you do, there's a creative time-saving solution for you in this guide.

Download the guide and find hours of time savings you can start implementing today. 

Start Saving Time Now

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