How-To: Proper Use of KAISER Vernier Markings

When you’re in a shop setting ever day, it’s easy to take things that you use every day for granted. For example, the Vernier markings that allow for ultra-precise diametric adjustments on your KAISER finish boring tools, are something you might know like the back of your hand. But sometimes, familiarity and repetition can breed bad habits, and mistakes can happen.

Matt Tegelman, Applications Manager and KAISER Product Manager, has watched this take place countless times in shops around the country, even among grizzled CNC veterans. That’s why he jumped at the chance to produce a concise video (that’s him narrating) simply explaining KAISER Vernier details that sometimes can be forgotten or fudged over time. Bookmark for future reference, either for yourself or for a new employee.

Watch for more of these brief instructional reference videos here on Cut to the Chase blog in the near future.

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