Since day 1 with the very first boring tool produced in Switzerland, modularity has always been a requirement in nearly every tool produced by BIG KAISER.
Last year, the KAISER brand further fortified its relationship with long-time partner, BIG Daishowa Seiki Co. Ltd. The agreement, where BIG Daishowa purchased KAISER Precision Tooling (Rümlang, Switzerland), saw yet another renaming of a KAISER entity to BIG KAISER.
Learn how to trim once four-hour jobs down to just 40 minutes by turning to a simple, yet powerfully versatile, alternative to helical interpolation, in the recent Fabricating & Metalworking magazine column by BIG KAISER’s applications manager and KAISER product manager, Matt Tegelman.
The limitations of using milling tools to prepare holes for finishing become apparent as hole depth and volume increase. Enter the relatively simple and affordable twin cutter, which can solve this and virtually any other holemaking problem.
Los productos Smart Damper están diseñados para el boreado de barrenos profundos con el sistema de boreado modular CKB de BIG KAISER, y también para el fresado de largo alcance con coronas de insertos con piloto métrico y en pulgadas.
BIG KAISER introduces the EWN & EWD Smart Damper - precision boring heads with a patented damping system to eliminate vibration in deep-hole finish boring.