BIG Daishowa Expands Manufacturing Facility to Accommodate Product Demand

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL - BIG Daishowa Seiki and BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. announce the completion of construction on two new BIG Daishowa manufacturing plants on the island of Awaji, Japan.

The additional manufacturing capacity of these two plants will allow the company to handle the present demand for BIG Daishowa products worldwide, and accommodate future growth. The new facilities are in close proximity to the three existing BIG Daishowa plants. Plant four adds 54,000 square feet of production space, and plant five provides an additional 100,000 square feet of production space.

BIG Daishowa’s Mega Technical Center, which also serves for research and development, testing and training, occupies 32,000 square feet of production space. With all five plants in full production, the manufacturing capacity is now at 50,000 collets per month and over 500,000 tool holders per year.

For more information on BIG Daishowa and BIG KAISER products, call 888-TOOL-PRO (888-866-5776).

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