Statement from BIG KAISER Regarding COVID-19

The safety of our associates, customers, families and visitors remains BIG KAISER's top priority. BIG KAISER is closely monitoring the up-to-date reports from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and we are taking several precautionary measures for the health and safety of our customers and team members.

BIG KAISER and our employees are doing all we can to provide you with your operational needs and to keep your employees safe during this unprecedented and evolving situation. As of today, we would like to inform you of the following:

  • We will continue to fulfill all orders to our North American customers on a daily basis
  • Our overseas suppliers have not stopped with production, and there are no reported shortages of raw materials or supplies that may delay our promised delivery dates
  • Our shipments from our overseas suppliers are not delayed or cancelled
  • Domestic and international air travel will be suspended for all BIG KAISER employees until April 1 and evaluated again at that time
  • Our service technicians will not be able to perform on-site repair for SPERONI tool measuring machines. However, we will be ready to assist you with remote support for any situation you may have by phone or virtual meetings. In case of an emergency, we will do all we can to support you on site if practical
  • Due to restricted access to most customer facilities, our sales and engineering teams are also available remotely to support you and provide answers to your questions or needs

On behalf of the team at BIG KAISER, thank you and stay safe.

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