By exhibiting three different scenarios — machining, welding and assembly — project manager, John Zaya, shares knowledge on the importance of stability in a recent Fabricating & Metalworking article.
Jack Burley, VP of Sales and Engineering at BIG KAISER shared his knowledge to Fabricating & Metalworking magazine for options targeted to make positive impacts on vibration without breaking the bank.
Sphinx product manager, Cory Cetkovic, once again took to the pages of Fabricating & Metalworking magazine to share some useful knowledge about micro machining practices, a challenging yet profitable and growing sector of metalworking.
Reporting on Sphinx product manager, Cory Cetkovic’s presentation at our annual Breakfast & Learn event earlier this year, Production Machining recently published a column called “Tools and Technologies for Deep Hole Drilling.”
You’ve heard the saying a million times, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In metalworking, the chain is a complex one, made up varying components from tiny cutting inserts to the spindle housing.
In the latest edition of their Medical Manufacturing Yearbook, Manufacturing Engineering featured an article by our very own VP of Sales and Engineering, Jack Burley.
In the latest edition of Metalworking Production & Purchasing (MP&P), BIG Kaiser Applications Manager and KAISER Product Manager, Matt Tegelman, contributed an in-depth article on properly tooling up deep hole boring jobs.
Sphinx, known for its specialization in the precision drilling niche, as well as its fine craftsmanship and know-how, has formed a longstanding partnership and trust with one of the world’s most innovative manufacturers, Aeschilimann AG Décolletages.