BIG KAISER is BIG in supporting education. Nowadays, you hear so much in the manufacturing community that there are fewer students able to work in manufacturing as a result of lacking in skills.
In the Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing Yearbook published by SME, our Tool Measuring Systems product manager, Doug Sumner writes, “In the precision, no-room-for-error world of aerospace, manufacturers need sophisticated tool presetting like airplanes need wings.”
Our friends at BIG KAISER Switzerland recently shared a story out of their home country about a customer that’s revolutionized how they manage a robust inventory of 7,500 tooling components that’s applied in 14,500 different configurations.
The old saying “it won’t make chips – not worth it” doesn’t apply anymore. Considering the accelerating pace of change in technology and the relentless competition your shop faces, how can you possibly afford not to use a presetter?
BIG KAISER tool presetter partner, Speroni S.p.A., has announced a new partnership with a leader in the digital shift toward operational efficiency, MachiningCloud.