In a time when finding new revenue is critical, making capital equipment more versatile can help business. There are few opportunities to affordably expand your shop’s capabilities than to start micromachining with the help of the right tools and accessories.
Consistent accuracy is the name of the game when it comes to tool presetters. The best way to ensure you can keep faith in your presetter, just like any other piece of machinery, is to perform regular maintenance.
John Saunders, a machine owner known for running the popular CNC machining YouTube channel, stopped by BIG KAISER to discuss presetters with our product manager.
BIG KAISER is BIG in supporting education. Nowadays, you hear so much in the manufacturing community that there are fewer students able to work in manufacturing as a result of lacking in skills.
If pictures speak 1,000 words, videos must speak about 10,000. Check out the quick clip below showing our Speroni MAGIC CNC tool presetting system in action.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. continues to expand its product line while staying true to its mission of bringing the highest quality, most precise, most reliable and most accurate tooling and accessories to market.
As lathes and turning machines pivot toward quick-change tooling models from traditional stick tools, presetters present benefits of keeping chips flying while reducing human error and increasing precision.