BIG KAISER announces the introduction of the world’s smallest hydraulic chuck for HSK-E25 machine spindles, thus completing its extensive range of BIG KAISER Super Slim Hydraulic Chucks.
BIG KAISER's HSK-A125 tooling system, for machines such as Makino's T2 and T4 models, is the ideal solution for the aerospace industry – capable of tackling large-scale titanium and other workpieces on massive tables.
The new boring heads will be available for CAT40, BT40, HSK-A63 and BIG CAPTO C6 size spindles and provide a shorter tool than the modular shank/boring head combination.
Most machinists are familiar with the dilemma of having an otherwise capable, accurate machine on the shop floor that, unfortunately, is limited in terms of spindle RPM. When that inevitable job arises that requires higher RPM output, operators are left with the choice of replacing the machine altogether to gain higher productivity, or looking into an attachment, like a spindle speeder, to close the RPM gap.
If you purchase cheap dual contact tooling after being told by a supplier that it will work just as good as the original you risk unsatisfactory performance.
Tool holders play a critical role in connecting elements maximizing machining performance, however, several different styles are available and the most suitable one will depend on the operation.
Micromachining, cutting where the volume of chips produced with each tool path is very small, is not a high-speed operation in relation to chip load per tooth. Rather, it involves a high spindle speed due to cutter diameter. The part may be physically larger, but details of the part require ultra-small profiles achieved only by micromachining. In other words, micromachining is not limited in scope to only miniature parts.
In order to take full advantage of a machine tool's capabilities, you must have the tooling to unlock a machine’s full capability. Here is some advice for making the most of a new machine tool with the right tooling.