BIG KAISER's MEGA Synchro Tapping Holder Improves Thread Quality and Tap Life

ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL - BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. introduces a new holder for synchronous tapping. The new MEGA Synchro tapping holder compensates for synchronization error during rigid tapping by reducing the thrust load to both the tap and work piece by up to 90 percent, which improves thread quality and tap life.
The error compensation is facilitated through a unique mechanism which absorbs the pitch difference between the tap and synchronous spindle. The MEGA Synchro is capable of supplying coolant through slits to the tap periphery as well as through the tap. Its design allows for the tap holder to be isolated from the axial pressure of the coolant.
MEGA Synchro is available in a variety of lengths and spindle interfaces to suit any company's needs. 41 tool bodies and 45 standard tap adapters offer a wide range of tooling configurations. BIG KAISER offers a complete line of tool holder styles to fit every application and spindle type, including BIG-PLUS, HSK and BIG CAPTO. Tooling from BIG KAISER ranges from micro- to large and heavy-duty, covering all of your metalcutting applications.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling is a leader in high-precision tooling systems and solutions. With brands including Kaiser, BIG Daishowa, Speroni, Unilock, Sphinx, and more, BIG KAISER's line is focused on extreme accuracy and repeatability. BIG KAISER's mission is to support North American manufacturers with products that are designed and manufactured to a superior standard. Guaranteed.
For more information about BIG KAISER's MEGA Synchro tapping holder, contact BIG KAISER, Elk Grove Village, IL at 888-866-5776, e-mail or visit
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