BIG KAISER is continuing down the path of digital tooling innovation with the introduction of the EWD EVO, a digital boring head designed with a single goal in mind—making the life of an operator as easy as possible.
In 1948, the 25-year-old Heinz Kaiser decided to give up his permanent job and start his own business near Zurich, Switzerland. His vision was to advance the development of high-quality tools needed to keep pace with the increasing productivity of machine tool technology at that time.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. joins forces with WEN Technology, Inc. of Raleigh, NC to introduce Zero-Point clamping for magnetic workholding applications.
BIG Daishowa Seiki and BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. announce the completion of construction on two new BIG Daishowa manufacturing plants on the island of Awaji, Japan.
BIG KAISER has introduced MEGA ER Grip, a new premium ER collet chuck system featuring the best runout accuracy in the industry: .00012" (3 microns) at 5xD.
BIG KAISER, a leader in premium high-precision tooling systems and solutions, has introduced the R-Cutter CKB Type, a new modular round chamfering tool.