Successful shops always look for ways to differentiate and innovate for competitive advantage. Cashing in on the entirety of a tool’s life with an advanced tool management system is perhaps the most effective way to do that right now.
BIG KAISER’s Mega ER Grip was designed to outperform all standard ER systems in the four most critical areas of tool holder performance: clamping force, concentricity, rigidity and balance at high spindle speeds.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling is expanding its offering of digital boring heads to include head sizes down to the CKB1 modular tooling connection size, which means boring down to Ø.787” for Series 310 peripheric heads, and Ø.016” for Series 112 centric boring heads.
BIG KAISER has introduced the new, large diameter Kaiser 318 Series - a complete tooling system supporting a variety of aluminum and steel components optimized for twin cutter rough boring, precision finish boring and precision OD turning operations.
Using UNILOCK modular workholding, Charlie Mitchell of Andretti Autosport, reduced many of his setup times by 70-80%. He’ll join BIG DAISHOWA Product Specialist John Zaya, on stage at IMTS to explain how he did it.