The return on investment from digital boring comes from the time saved making adjustments on the spindle, as well as the increased adjustment accuracy.
BIG KAISER's Business Intelligence Manager Dave Stonesifer appreciates the opportunities he's been given to fill the needs of the business while taking advantage of his own interests and expertise.
Dialing in a finishing job can be meticulous, with several measurements, adjustments and discussions taking place. That not only costs time, but those tool touches and interactions introduce some risk inside a shop. Our next boring innovation will help eliminate many of those repeated interactions and extra adjustments.
No matter what, a new machine represents a significant cost in a manufacturing project. This investment can be compromised if it is not tooled up properly.
BIG Kaiser now offers BIG Daishowa’s high precision Mega ER Grip with the KAISER modular KAB connection, allowing custom collet chuck configurations with standard components.
Aerospace is unique among industries in its thirst for component accuracy with ‘blemish-free’ precision. Unlike any other industry, anything that goes into the air has to be on spec, as the smallest imperfection in machining can adversely affect flight safety.
Learn the key competitive advantages of the BIG DAISHOWA family of products through a hands-on technical approach combined with sales-driven discussions.