BIG Kaiser now offers BIG Daishowa’s high precision Mega ER Grip with the KAISER modular KAB connection, allowing custom collet chuck configurations with standard components.
Angle heads from BIG KAISER allow you to flip the tool instead of the part, eliminating both unnecessary setup time and repositioning errors for a more cost-effective solution for workpieces.
Jack Burley, VP of Sales and Engineering at BIG KAISER shared his knowledge to Fabricating & Metalworking magazine for options targeted to make positive impacts on vibration without breaking the bank.
If precision in manufacturing is a matter of optimizing a process to get the best possible results, then we can only truly be precise when we have ample choice in tools.
With a little knowhow and the right tools, see how you can significantly reduce cycle time by rough boring instead of performing a helical interpolation with a mill.
Deep hole boring comes with challenges created by the inevitable deflection that occurs when trying to finish a hole of a substantial depth. Various factors determine the best approach to solving the issue, and it’s important to consider all factors before choosing a solution for your boring needs.
After years of close observation and collaboration with manufacturing companies of all sizes, BIG DAISHOWA Seiki engineers have learned how the choice of tool holders affects production costs on the shop floor.
Current travel and visitor restrictions continue to disrupt the normal schedule of service calls to manufacturers. To keep our customers up and running, the BIG KAISER Tool Measuring Solutions Department offers remote maintenance sessions.
Machine shops of all shapes and sizes are facing more pressure than ever. While its primary purpose has traditionally been tool setup, tool presetters serve as both important tools and information hubs on the floor as technology advances.
BIG DAISHOWA offers straight collets for clamping smaller diameter cylindrical tool shanks, providing coolant through the tool, or coolant around the periphery.