Tool presetters are used to measure offsets offline to keep machine tools running. They quickly pay for themselves by reducing downtime on machine spindles.
T-Slot Clean is a cost-effective work safety product that keeps t-slots free of chips and coolant. This improves the efficiency of table cleaning and reduces setup time.
Smart Damper products are designed for deep-hole boring with BIG KAISER’s CKB modular boring system, and also for extended reach milling with both inch- and metric-pilot shell mills and face mills.
Some exciting news recently swept through the halls here at BIG KAISER; we’re proud to share that our fearless leader, President and CEO, Chris Kaiser, received the 2016 Distinguished Service Award from the National Tooling & Machining Association (NTMA).
In the Aerospace & Defense Manufacturing Yearbook published by SME, our Tool Measuring Systems product manager, Doug Sumner writes, “In the precision, no-room-for-error world of aerospace, manufacturers need sophisticated tool presetting like airplanes need wings.”
You’ve heard the saying a million times, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.” In metalworking, the chain is a complex one, made up varying components from tiny cutting inserts to the spindle housing.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. introduces the Perfect Jet Collet, designed to optimize coolant supply in high-speed operations, resulting in better coolant delivery and the option to seal the collet for coolant-through tools.