Chattering and deflection have always been the bane of machinists’ existence, so much so that the sight of a long and slender tool holder will immediately cause goosebumps. If you understand why a long tool holder behaves the way it does, you’ll know that there are ways to fight back against this bending.
For years we’ve been sharing the advantages of BIG-PLUS. Now see the BIG-PLUS difference for yourself. Join us March 3 at 1:00 p.m. CT for a 15-minute BIG-PLUS demo on the IMTS Spark platform.
BIG Daishowa Seiki Co. Ltd., our parent company, recently granted another BIG-PLUS license, making spindle rebuilding and maintenance service more accessible than ever.
One of the most impactful tools in the BIG KAISER suite of products is often overlooked. It’s durable and has all the best features for those looking to save time making hard-to-reach cuts. We’re talking about our AGU30 Universal Type Angle Heads.
BIG KAISER’s digital precision boring heads, from Swiss partner KAISER were part of a case study alongside Impact CNC in the September issue of Modern Machine Shop.
BIG DAISHOWA issued nearly $30,000 in tooling certificates to high schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities through its inaugural Tools for Schools program.
What’s a good sign that a company is doing well and that they are constantly seeking better ways to serve their customers? The need to construct new facilities, of course.
Automated solutions are becoming more and more prominent in the machining industry. BIG DAISHOWA discusses the market’s current state, its latest developments and what it might look like in the future.
As official technology partner of Suter Racing, BIG KAISER is proud to supply the Swiss motorbike manufacturer with tool holders, cutting tools and measuring instruments.