If you purchase cheap dual contact tooling after being told by a supplier that it will work just as good as the original you risk unsatisfactory performance.
Most machinists are familiar with the dilemma of having an otherwise capable, accurate machine on the shop floor that, unfortunately, is limited in terms of spindle RPM. When that inevitable job arises that requires higher RPM output, operators are left with the choice of replacing the machine altogether to gain higher productivity, or looking into an attachment, like a spindle speeder, to close the RPM gap.
Dyna Contact is a precise gage used to check the geometric accuracy of a machine spindle taper by visually comparing the contact of the gage to the spindle.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. announces further expansion to the BIG-PLUS line of tool holders by introducing extended gage lengths for BIG-PLUS Shell Mill Adapters and Shrink Fit Tool Holders.
Insufficient retention force of the spindle clamping mechanism could lead to reduced rigidity and vibrations, loss of machining quality, poor surface finish and shortened tool life. By ensuring that the retention force is at the correct level, cutting performance remains consistent, providing high-quality machining results.
BIG KAISER is introducing the RBX12 Air Power Spindle, a high-speed air-driven spindle that achieves an impressive variable rotational speed of 100,000-120,000 RPM.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. introduces Air Power Spindle into the market to provide solutions to the endless challenges of micro machining with ultra high speed and precision.
BIG KAISER announces the introduction of the world’s smallest hydraulic chuck for HSK-E25 machine spindles, thus completing its extensive range of BIG KAISER Super Slim Hydraulic Chucks.
As cutting tool manufacturers increase the recommended operating conditions for their products, users achieve the desired result: shorter cycle times on existing machine tools.
New BIG KAISER Angle Heads combine vertical, horizontal and angular operations on one machine, improving runout accuracy and eliminating the potential for error created by multiple setups.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. is excited to share important news concerning the name of its company. BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. will change its name to BIG DAISHOWA Inc., effective January 1, 2022.