When tasked with developing a faster way to machine wire EDM starter holes, our Swiss partner, Sphinx, went right to the source: their mold making customers.
Sphinx, known for its specialization in the precision drilling niche, as well as its fine craftsmanship and know-how, has formed a longstanding partnership and trust with one of the world’s most innovative manufacturers, Aeschilimann AG Décolletages.
Just as your car’s health depends on regular oil changes and tune-ups, your shop tools and equipment require preventive maintenance to stay in good working order and to maximize life cycle.
Your accessories have gotten you this far, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking for better solutions. Every second of down time is wasted money.
BIG KAISER expands its product line, bringing the highest quality, most precise, most reliable and most accurate tooling and accessory products to market.
The ATC Alignment Tool functions as a preventative maintenance tool for operators, but also is useful during repairs, and even during the original machine and tool magazine setup.