Chattering and deflection have always been the bane of machinists’ existence, so much so that the sight of a long and slender tool holder will immediately cause goosebumps. If you understand why a long tool holder behaves the way it does, you’ll know that there are ways to fight back against this bending.
If you purchase cheap dual contact tooling after being told by a supplier that it will work just as good as the original you risk unsatisfactory performance.
BIG-PLUS tool holders are supported on the flange face and taper providing excellent rigidity. It is interchangeable with existing machines and tool holders.
The High-Performance Quadro Plus Drill Reamer geometry was developed to optimize performance and tool life in aluminum, cast iron, and plastic applications.
For years we’ve been sharing the advantages of BIG-PLUS. Now see the BIG-PLUS difference for yourself. Join us March 3 at 1:00 p.m. CT for a 15-minute BIG-PLUS demo on the IMTS Spark platform.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. announces further expansion to the BIG-PLUS line of tool holders by introducing extended gage lengths for BIG-PLUS Shell Mill Adapters and Shrink Fit Tool Holders.