Opportunities abound for shops to cash in on the ever-growing micro machining market, but the differences between different types of micro tools vary from those found in standard tooling. Here are some insights into the extra care and know-how needed to achieve success and build a successful reputation as a reliable supplier of micro machined parts.
Looking for a creative way to achieve the requested specifications for a potentially lucrative micromachining job without having to invest in a very expensive specialized machine tool? A spindle speeder may be your best – and only – way to secure the deal.
There are three particularly sensitive areas of the tool holder assembly that can experience process-affecting wear and tear and cause a cycle to change.
The return on investment from digital boring comes from the time saved making adjustments on the spindle, as well as the increased adjustment accuracy.
Keeping pace with modern manufacturing demands often means bridging the gap between design and production. Creative and resourceful applications of tooling and accessories, such as angle heads, can get complex parts out the door.
The presetting machines available today are accurate, easy to use and provide closed-loop tool compensation on the CNC machine tool, saving significant time during job change-over.
The limitations of using milling tools to prepare holes for finishing become apparent as hole depth and volume increase. Enter the relatively simple and affordable twin cutter, which can solve this and virtually any other holemaking problem.
For the second year in a row, customers who choose best-in-class cutting tools, tool holders and workholding products from BIG DAISHOWA will support their local manufacturing training programs at the same time.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling continues to deliver world-class service and support by eliminating the need to ship tools abroad for repair, minimizing customer downtime.