BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. has expanded the Kaiser KAB Modular Tooling System capabilities to include the ultra rigid high-feed C-Cutter Mini chamfer mill line from BIG Daishowa Seiki.
BIG KAISER is introducing the RBX12 Air Power Spindle, a high-speed air-driven spindle that achieves an impressive variable rotational speed of 100,000-120,000 RPM.
Using UNILOCK modular workholding, Charlie Mitchell of Andretti Autosport, reduced many of his setup times by 70-80%. He’ll join BIG DAISHOWA Product Specialist John Zaya, on stage at IMTS to explain how he did it.
Successful shops always look for ways to differentiate and innovate for competitive advantage. Cashing in on the entirety of a tool’s life with an advanced tool management system is perhaps the most effective way to do that right now.
BIG KAISER announces the introduction of the world’s smallest hydraulic chuck for HSK-E25 machine spindles, thus completing its extensive range of BIG KAISER Super Slim Hydraulic Chucks.
BIG KAISER's HSK-A125 tooling system, for machines such as Makino's T2 and T4 models, is the ideal solution for the aerospace industry – capable of tackling large-scale titanium and other workpieces on massive tables.