As cutting tool manufacturers increase the recommended operating conditions for their products, users achieve the desired result: shorter cycle times on existing machine tools.
Looking for a creative way to achieve the requested specifications for a potentially lucrative micromachining job without having to invest in a very expensive specialized machine tool? A spindle speeder may be your best – and only – way to secure the deal.
Moldmakers hoping to avoid problems such as chatter, poor tool life and molds that fail quality control muster need to consider a variety of factors when selecting a long-reach toolholder.
For the second year in a row, customers who choose best-in-class cutting tools, tool holders and workholding products from BIG DAISHOWA will support their local manufacturing training programs at the same time.
The further the tool does its work from the spindle, the more room for error. Deep pockets and cavities usually signify that a part is nearing completion, making the smallest of errors almost impossible to recover from and very costly.