Understanding and controlling runout is crucial for any machine shop looking to maintain competitive advantages in today's precision-driven manufacturing environment.
Keeping pace with modern manufacturing demands often means bridging the gap between design and production. Creative and resourceful applications of tooling and accessories, such as angle heads, can get complex parts out the door.
When it comes to boring, there are several factors that can lead to poor performance. Whether it’s long cycle times, short tool life or poor bore quality, any or all these factors may need to be addressed in order to increase productivity. Although different, these issues are often closely linked in a given application.
Machinery tooling and equipment that get parts produced the fastest is always the best choice, right? But what else needs to be considered when choosing equipment for low- to mid-range production volumes?
The presetting machines available today are accurate, easy to use and provide closed-loop tool compensation on the CNC machine tool, saving significant time during job change-over.
Constantly optimizing processes and equipment to achieve an advantage over other race teams, Team Penske adopted tooling improvements based on its decision to expand usage of the BIG-Plus spindle interface and tool holders.
The limitations of using milling tools to prepare holes for finishing become apparent as hole depth and volume increase. Enter the relatively simple and affordable twin cutter, which can solve this and virtually any other holemaking problem.
For the second year in a row, customers who choose best-in-class cutting tools, tool holders and workholding products from BIG DAISHOWA will support their local manufacturing training programs at the same time.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling continues to deliver world-class service and support by eliminating the need to ship tools abroad for repair, minimizing customer downtime.
By using digital technology and optimized indexable inserts, Schmauser Müller Metalltechnik has increased process reliability and efficiency in fine boring, as well as increased the lifetime of its tools by a factor of three.