The full radial contact and extreme gripping force of Hi-Power Milling Chucks delivers the stability needed to increase spindle speeds by 20 percent in one application at Team Penske.
Jet engine manufacturers have found that even the most infinitesimal imperfection can produce catastrophic results; absolute precision is the name of the game in the aerospace industry.
BIG Daishowa Seiki Co. Ltd., our parent company, recently granted another BIG-PLUS license, making spindle rebuilding and maintenance service more accessible than ever.
Many factors may go into the decision to invest in a presetter such as tool budget, accuracy needs or delivery time. We’ve put together a reference guide.
Boring tool performance depends greatly on the Length-to-Diameter (L:D) Ratio of the application. While this is a straightforward calculation, the Length and Diameter values to be used may not be that clear.
Learn how to trim once four-hour jobs down to just 40 minutes by turning to a simple, yet powerfully versatile, alternative to helical interpolation, in the recent Fabricating & Metalworking magazine column by BIG KAISER’s applications manager and KAISER product manager, Matt Tegelman.
Our friends at BIG KAISER Switzerland recently shared a story out of their home country about a customer that’s revolutionized how they manage a robust inventory of 7,500 tooling components that’s applied in 14,500 different configurations.