Chattering and deflection have always been the bane of machinists’ existence, so much so that the sight of a long and slender tool holder will immediately cause goosebumps. If you understand why a long tool holder behaves the way it does, you’ll know that there are ways to fight back against this bending.
BIG Daishowa Seiki Co. Ltd., our parent company, recently granted another BIG-PLUS license, making spindle rebuilding and maintenance service more accessible than ever.
For years we’ve been sharing the advantages of BIG-PLUS. Now see the BIG-PLUS difference for yourself. Join us March 3 at 1:00 p.m. CT for a 15-minute BIG-PLUS demo on the IMTS Spark platform.
Because the BIG-PLUS® spindle system gets so much of our customers’ attention and interest, people often forget that BIG Kaiser offers an extensive line-up of other popular dual contact solutions, most notably HSK & BIG CAPTO.
No matter what, a new machine represents a significant cost in a manufacturing project. This investment can be compromised if it is not tooled up properly.
In reaching impressive variable rotational speeds that exceed 100,000 RPMs, BIG KAISER’s newest air-driven spindle brings a trial-approved promise to reduce machining time by more than 300 percent in certain setups.
A machine’s spindle is one of the key links in the machining chain. It makes regular inspection and spindle maintenance critical to getting the most out of your equipment and maintain process efficiency.
Insufficient retention force of the spindle clamping mechanism could lead to reduced rigidity and vibrations, loss of machining quality, poor surface finish and shortened tool life. To help solve this problem, we have developed Dyna Force, a device for measuring the retention force of machine tool spindles.
Maintenance is really important and kind of a pain. When it comes to all-important spindle maintenance, you can avoid the pain by using simple tools and devices.