Collet Chuck Taper Cleaner Collet chuck taper cleaners from BIG DAISHOWA simplify the cleaning process—ensuring hassle-free maintenance.
CNC Lathe Tooling CNC Lathe Tooling includes basic straight shank tool holder, ER adapters for driven tools, and set up accessories.
N/C Lathe Tooling Stationary straight shank tooling and set up accessories from small Swiss Type lathes up to large horizontal lathes with turrets.
Swiss Automatic Lathe Tooling Swiss Automatic Lathe Tooling including gang slide tool holders for high precision accuracy and repeatability.
Spare Parts Replacement nuts, Set screws, Synchro Adjusters, and O-rings for your MEGA Synchro Tap Holders.
ER Nuts ER nuts are basic nuts with surface treatment for friction reduction. They have slots on the outside diameter and use a spanner wrench for nut tightening.