Our MEGA Wrenches feature a one-way clutch system with a roller bearing and ratchet function for the firm and easy tightening of BIG BIG DAISHOWA slot-free nuts.
Modular Turning Tools for most common spindle interfaces offers optimal tool length, large selection of insert types, approach angles, and a variety of standard boring bar and square shank adapters.
BIG DAISHOWA invites you to our events and experience first-hand the high quality of our machining solutions that will help you turn problems into profits.
We provide DXF drawings, a cutting data calculator and drill size conversions. You can also download all our product catalog PDFs or watch our product videos.
Manuals, DXF and STEP (STP) search allows you to download drawings, manuals, 2D and 3D data. Search full or partial catalog numbers to see drawings that match your search.