Many machine shops lack objective criteria for making toolholder purchasing decisions & most are made by price alone. However they can improve runout significantly by using the right toolholders.
The chances of a tool slipping or pulling out in its holder during work is increasing. Here are some insights to help you select the proper holder for your work.
BIG KAISER has introduced MEGA ER Grip, a new premium ER collet chuck system featuring the best runout accuracy in the industry: .00012" (3 microns) at 5xD.
In a time when finding new revenue is critical, making capital equipment more versatile can help business. There are few opportunities to affordably expand your shop’s capabilities than to start micromachining with the help of the right tools and accessories.
BIG KAISER's HSK-A125 tooling system, for machines such as Makino's T2 and T4 models, is the ideal solution for the aerospace industry – capable of tackling large-scale titanium and other workpieces on massive tables.
Micromachining, cutting where the volume of chips produced with each tool path is very small, is not a high-speed operation in relation to chip load per tooth. Rather, it involves a high spindle speed due to cutter diameter. The part may be physically larger, but details of the part require ultra-small profiles achieved only by micromachining. In other words, micromachining is not limited in scope to only miniature parts.
Keeping pace with modern manufacturing demands often means bridging the gap between design and production. Creative and resourceful applications of tooling and accessories, such as angle heads, can get complex parts out the door.
BIG DAISHOWA has introduced the C3 program, an expansion of the BIG CAPTO tool holder line, designed to increase efficiency and precision for small lathes.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. introduces the Perfect Jet Collet, designed to optimize coolant supply in high-speed operations, resulting in better coolant delivery and the option to seal the collet for coolant-through tools.
BIG Daishowa Seiki and BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. announce the completion of construction on two new BIG Daishowa manufacturing plants on the island of Awaji, Japan.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. introduces Air Power Spindle into the market to provide solutions to the endless challenges of micro machining with ultra high speed and precision.