Manufacturing miniature parts and features is not new. In the past, EDM and laser technologies were used to create these features. Although these technologies worked for low volume jobs, they are not practical for the high volume micro applications that are in demand today.
Shrink-fit and hydraulic holders are both useful in low clearance, tight work envelopes found in moldmaking and multi-axis machining applications. When deciding which one to use, their differences will guide your choice. Here are some of the fundamental contrasts to help you decide which holder type is best for your work.
Many machine shops lack objective criteria for making toolholder purchasing decisions & most are made by price alone. However they can improve runout significantly by using the right toolholders.
As lathes and turning machines pivot toward quick-change tooling models from traditional stick tools, presetters present benefits of keeping chips flying while reducing human error and increasing precision.
In a time when finding new revenue is critical, making capital equipment more versatile can help business. There are few opportunities to affordably expand your shop’s capabilities than to start micromachining with the help of the right tools and accessories.
BIG KAISER expands its product line, bringing the highest quality, most precise, most reliable and most accurate tooling and accessory products to market.
Micromachining, cutting where the volume of chips produced with each tool path is very small, is not a high-speed operation in relation to chip load per tooth. Rather, it involves a high spindle speed due to cutter diameter. The part may be physically larger, but details of the part require ultra-small profiles achieved only by micromachining. In other words, micromachining is not limited in scope to only miniature parts.
BIG KAISER Precision Tooling Inc. continues to expand its product line while staying true to its mission of bringing the highest quality, most precise, most reliable and most accurate tooling and accessories to market.
BIG KAISER is continuing down the path of digital tooling innovation with the introduction of the EWD EVO, a digital boring head designed with a single goal in mind—making the life of an operator as easy as possible.
CNC machine tool efficiency is all about managing the components that must come together in proper alignment: the machine spindle, toolholder assembly and workspace.
The presetting machines available today are accurate, easy to use and provide closed-loop tool compensation on the CNC machine tool, saving significant time during job change-over.